Unschooling Academy primary


Welcome To The Unschooling The Mind COMMUNITY

How will Unschooling change your Life?

For me it was the paradigm shift that I needed to catapult us as a family onto a path of freedom and peaceful parenting.

My thoughts at the beginning were...

Am I capable or even ‘qualified’ to have my kids at home? Will I lose my mind? Will I be able to work?

How are they gong to learn anything without curriculum and me forcing them if they refuse?

Why don’t they want to do this work that they used to do for teachers?

To my surprise my thoughts eventually changed to this…

We are the luckiest ones! Why isn’t everyone doing this?

My Kids are thriving and learning all of the time- the less interference the better!

Our lives are calm, creative and moving at a pace that We get to set!

Can it really be this easy?


It can be ….if we take the time to ‘Unschool' our own minds First!


Unschooling The Mind Community Membership

Monthly Recurring Subscription

$44USD /mo

Annual Subscription

$444USD /yr

We have all had years of conditioning and programming enforced by our own school history and growing up in the ‘authoritative paradigm”.

Scrutinizing these hidden beliefs and applying the Unschooling philosophy will lead to More…

1) Freedom: to create the Life that you really want for Your Family.

2) Confidence: in yourself and your ability to make decisions that are outside of the “herd mentality”.

3) Connection: with your child and your ability to meet their needs with ease and grace.

4) Inspiration: to stay in a place of empowerment and build strong communities around you and your kids.

The Cost Is Invaluable!

I have done everything in my power to make this container value packed with as many helpful tools and resources as possible for you without the huge cost of a 1:1 coaching program. I understand the cost of moving down to one income, selling our home to downsize and other sacrifices that have been made to make this decision for our children and so I have positioned this offer at an affordable rate for every family.

UTMC Core Values…

Freedom: of choice, freedom of mind and freedom to act for ourselves and our children.

Family: inspire to create solutions, reconnect families, and build strong communities

Solutions: through tools, resources, self-leadership and education

Community: real connection with like-minded parents who share the same values

Your commitment level is up to You!

Trust the process, trust yourself…you are exactly where you need to be.

The last thing that we need as busy parents is ‘One' more task to do…this is why this container is built like a buffet with 24-7 accessibility to communicate with other members, watch coaching replays and workshops if you do not make them live. All of this is created so that you can navigate this paradigm shift at your own pace.

Consume as much or as little as you need…some people like (me) enjoy binging content when they find the right resource, some people need to take time to process information, some are just in the season of “I am too damn busy with the kids”….wherever you are on your journey I have built a 'drop in style’ weekly coaching program so that you do not feel like you are “behind” or need to catch up in anyway.

What's Included In Your Membership...

Weekly group coaching with Tasha and one of our Lead Unschooling Coaches

Daytime, night time and replays are available for your convenience.

Opportunities for you to ask any questions, comment and strategize with Tasha.

Discuss all concerns, challenges and celebrations as it pertains to our homeschooling journey.

Solution focused to create a fulfilling and meaningful journey with our kids.

Share resources on family, health, education and information being suppressed in the mainstream.

Monthly Masterclass Workshops

Thought leaders who share their knowledge and hacks that will help us navigate the years to come with our families.

All topics enhance the community's core values.

You will have the opportunity to learn from them and interact directly through a Q&A at the end of the workshop.

Monthly Guest Speakers:

A community leader who is taking action in their 4 corners of the world that will leave us inspired to do the same.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with them live.

All replays always available and convenient in the UTMC app!

Connection with like Mind parents

From all over the World: you can direct message individual members and create in-person gatherings in your respective areas.

Access to our video resource library and toolbox

Built like a Buffet for you to choose as much or as little as you would like.

Examples: Unschooling, Homeschooling, How to open your own learning centre, Overcoming self sabotage, Unschooling your own Mind.


Unschooling The Mind Community Membership

Monthly Recurring Subscription

$44USD /mo

Annual Subscription

$444USD /yr


24-7 Access

To post, share, ask questions to the community or just reach out for support in those “under-resourced moments”.

Access to previous weeks of coaching replays to view at your convenience, unlimited access to Masterclasses and Guest Speakers.

This Community Is For You if...

You are aware of what is happening in the world enough to know that you need to make some radical shifts for you and your Family.

You are desiring a deep connection with your kids that is often broken when we force our agendas upon them.

You have been homeschooling for awhile but are interested in understanding the more ‘free flow’ approach to Unschooling.

Your kids are still in the system but you are looking for the confidence, tools and resources to make the leap or just apply the philosophy at home.

You crave a supportive tribe of likeminded parents who are empowering themselves and no longer waiting for permission to create the life they truly desire.

You are looking for a safe space to discuss the chaos of the world, take a deep look at your own programming and find solutions to help you thrive.

So buckle up and prepare yourself for a soft landing into a community that will empower and inspire you to move towards a life of ease, joy and fulfillment with your child at HOME!

Who Am I & What I Do?

I am a Mama of three boys who unleashed her kids from the formal education system to a lifestyle of radical unschooling. I left behind a life of structure and outside expectations to purse one built on true happiness and connection ...surprisingly "education" became a byproduct of letting go of the constraints she once thought were crucial to successful parenting.

I immersed myself on a path to "unlearn" and question everything that I had been taught in order to Free myself from the deep conditioning that plagues us all from finding true Freedom.

Becoming a prodigé to Dayna Martin and Jason Christoff , combined with many dark nights of the soul and hard work I have evolved into the parent, advocate and public speaker that I am today.

I am dedicated to spreading this message to Humanity: Unschooling is a lifestyle where you put the needs and interests of your children first before the needs of an institutionalized curriculum which adheres to a teacher, who answers to a principal, who reports to a Board, who complies to our government, who follows the WEF and who ultimately serve the Elite "Mis-Leaders" of the world who do not have our best interest at heart.

I have thrown out my old beliefs systems and ideas which were ingrained in me through a University degree in Psychology and a decade working with Families who had children with disabilities using cognitive behavioural therapeutics based on the “authoritative paradigm”. I am now a certified Unschooling coach and public speaker who is dedicated to showing parents how to move from the ‘authoritative parenting model’ intro the ‘peaceful parenting partnership’. All of my expertise comes from direct experience with my own children and thousands of parents that I've been able to reach and impact through my work publicly and on social media.

What people are saying...

"Becoming a part of this community was a God send when I needed it the most. When I pulled my kids from school, this was exactly the kind of safe landing that I needed to get a grip on my new life of becoming a homeschooling parent. I knew the kids would be fine, but it was me that needed something extra for my soul and sanity- a community of like-minded, awake parents that I could walk the talk with. The process of Unschooling my mind with Tasha and other Mamas has been nothing-less than extraordinary. The high-touch support and resources alone will blow your mind!"

- Diana P

"This community app has far surpassed my expectations. Tasha & Diana attract authentic, thoughtful people, the level of discourse is educational, supportive and fun. The quality of the content is highly engaging and educational. I am really impressed and excited about the platform they have built and what will come of it as we continue to find each other."

- Trina M

"I have been so fortunate to find Tasha and the UTMC. The content of the coaching calls, community building resources in the Circle group and personalized attention make this unschooling group so unique. The value of finding a like-minded group with prime resources and solutions for our education needs is second to none. Tasha offers a dynamic, true and poignant view on these issues that face us today."

- Suzanne G

"It has been incredible connecting with other parents, educators and mentors who care deeply about educating children intentionally. Weekly meet ups have given me the much needed confirmation I can do this and as alone I have felt over the past few years I no longer feel I'm doing this in isolation. I am so excited for what will transpire within this community. This is only the beginning.... the energy, gifts and knowledge each bring to this group is powerful and I look forward to what we can create together!"

- Alynn P

"Tasha’s Unschooling the Mind community has been a complete blessing. We had been homeschooling/ unschooling for just over a couple years prior to joining and from the first group call I felt at home… An open space to share, ask questions and learn together. I previously thought unschooling as mainly for my son but through the coaching calls and resources I began to understand that I was the one that really needed to unschool my mind! Tasha and this community are helping me do just that. If you are thinking about unschooling, in the process of, or already doing it, this community is for you!!"

- Shelley M



Unschooling The Mind Community Membership

Monthly Recurring Subscription

$44USD /mo

Annual Subscription

$444USD /yr


© 2024 Tashafishman.com. UTMC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

A Project of Alighten