What does the future of community look like?

What do you desire for the future vision of your community? 

In our programs, children are at the center of the community circle.  They are the future legacy of humanity.  To be action oriented in order to transform the present for the future we need to redesign outside from the system of dependency we have become used to for the past three generations of industrial models.

How do we transform the value of education?

The process to reset your thinking, feeling and willing creates a new relationship to how we provide compensation for teachers, educators, mentors and guides for our children. The strategy to re-design education invites leaders in methods of governance using sociocracy, collaborative leadership, servant leadership, and the way of council to develop a leadership team to help carry the torch of your learning center forward.

For many families seeking alternative education programs, this exit from the public school domain could present a challenge without helpful guidance, financial planning, and resource networks. Alighten operates in the private domain, using a PMA (Private Membership Association) and/or PEA (Private Education Association) to lawfully operate out-of-reach of state, provincial and federal government mandates, regulations and directives (any organization that operates as a non-profit, cooperative, charity or licensed business is subject to the laws of the public domain). By joining a PMA or creating one, your organization has an extra privacy firewall which could protect your families and allow them to maintain freedom of choice in many ways. If you would like to learn more about this please feel free to contact me and have a free consultation to see if a PMA would work for your organization. Check out our introductory video on PMA/ PEA and PHA structures.

Our website is built on a secure virtual private server, outside of the Patriot Act, (which allows the federal government to turn off and censor any website they choose). They can also monitor personal data from private conversations hosted by websites in the united States. We build and login using secure methods. This is not a concern for everyone, but it is for some, as our community of parents who are exiting the public school system are aware of the dangers of information sharing and how widespread it’s become.

If you feel called to join the greater network that is forming around the new education revolution, please reach out to us! We have other offerings to share: program templates, online courses, consulting support, and group calls to bring ideas and challenges into focus so:


We can all be a voice in the wave of change
that is moving through the education sector.


Offerings to support you:

      • Launch your Learning Center in 12 Steps Online Course
      • Program Templates
      • One-One Consulting with experts in different areas
      • Teacher Training In-Person Workshops
      • Group Support with other Alumni after graduating the course
      • In depth online workshops on each of the 12 steps
      • Podcast (coming soon!) 'Boots in the Mud" stories of real-life situations and resolutions in running a learning centre
      • Ebook of the course (coming soon!)